Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who are the four US presidents who did not deliver a speech on inauguration day?

John Tyler (1841-45)
Millard Fillmore (1850-53)
Andrew Johnson (1865-69)
Chester Arthur (1881-85)

source The Wall Street Journal January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is the largest port complex in the United States?

The twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

source The Columbus Dispatch August 31, 2008

Presidents by birth-state

Virginia - 8 - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, William Henry Harrison, James Madison, James Monroe, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Woodrow Wilson

William Henry Harrison
9th president March 4-April 4, 1841
came to Ohio early 1790's to fight Indians
Represented Ohio in House of Representatives 1816-1819
Served as Ohio senator in U. S. Senate 1825-1828
"Keep the ball rolling" "Tippecanoe and Tyler too"
First president to die in office (shortest term)
Record for longest inaugural speech (one hour 45 minutes)
Grandfather of a president

Ohio - 7 - Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, Warren Harding

Ulysses Simpson Grant
18th president - March 4, 1869 - March 3, 1877
Born in Pt. Pleasant, Ohio
First president to run against a woman (Victoria Claflin Woodhull from Ohio - nominated by the Equal Rights Party for 1872 election)

Rutherford Birchard Hayes

19th president - March 4, 1877 - March 3 188


Born in Delaware, Ohio

First president to use oval office desk (gift of Queen Victoria)

James Abram Garfield

20th president March 4 - September 19, 1881


Born in Orange, Ohio

Could write Greek with one hand at same time he wrote Latin in other

Brigadier general in the Civil War

Shot July 2, 1881, and died Sept 19 from infection and internal hemorrhage

Benjamin Harrison

23rd president - March 4, 1889 - March 4, 1893


Born in North Bend, Ohio

Grandson of William Henry Harrison

Only president to be preceded and followed by same person (Cleveland)

Had first Christmas tree in White House (1889)

First to have electricity in White House (1891)

William McKinley

25th president - March 4, 1897 - Sept 14, 1901

Born in Niles, Ohio

First president to campaign by phone (1896)

Foreign policy dominated administration

Assassinated by deranged anarchist at Buffalo Pan-American Exposition

William Howard Taft

27th president March 4, 1909 - March 3, 1913


Born in Cincinnati, Ohio

Largest US president (6'2" 333 lbs.

Started tradition of president opening baseball season


Warren Gamaliel Harding

29th president


Born in Corsica, Ohio

Newspaper publisher

First presidential election where women voted nationwide

First president who could drive a car

Died while in office - heart attack in San Francisco

Massachusetts - 4 - John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John F. Kennedy, George H. W. Bush

New York - 4 - Martin Van Buren, Millard Fillmore, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt

North Carolina - 2 - James Polk, Andrew Johnson

Texas - 2 - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson

Vermont - 2 - Chester A. Arthur, Calvin Coolidge

Fourteen states - 1 - Arkansas Bill Clinton; California Richard M. Nixon; Connecticut George W. Bush; Georgia Jimmy Carter; Hawaii Barack Obama; Illinois Ronald Reagan; Iowa Herbert Hoover; Kentucky Abraham Lincoln; Missouri Harry S. Truman; Nebraska Gerald Ford; New Hampshire Franklin Pierce; New Jersey Grover Cleveland; Pennsylvania James Buchanan; South Carolina Andrew Jackson

source The Columbus Dispatch January 25, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Broadway Musical "Rent"

Rent closed in New York on Sept. 7, 2008, after 5,124 performances, making it the seventh-longest-running show in Broadway history. Written by Jonathan Larson who died shortly after Rent began its life 0ff-Broadway. The musical is based on Puccini's classic 1896 opera La Boheme. It tells the story of young bohemians who move to the city to pursue their artistic dreams. (The story of young artists in New York's East Village.)

Sunday, January 18, 2009


First state to be carved out of the frontier west of the Appalachian Mountains 1792

American poets

First American poet laureate Robert Penn Warren
Current American poet laureate Kay Ryan

Only 4 poets have read at US presidential inaugurations
1. Robert Frost John F. Kennedy 1961
2. Maya Angelou Bill Clinton 1993
3. Miller Williams Bill Clinton 1997
4. Elizabeth Alexander Barack Obama 2009