Monday, August 4, 2008

vice presidents trivia

Name two vice presidents who shot people while they were in office.

Aaron Burr, v p under Thomas Jefferson, shot Alexander Hamilton to death in a duel July 11, 1804. Burr was a candidate for governor of New York at the time. He lost the election.

Dick Cheney, v p under George W. Bush, accidentally wounded friend and hunting companion Harry Whittington on Feb. 11, 2006. Whittington recovered.

Why was John Tyler the vice president with the shortest term in office?

Because he became president upon the death of William Henry Harrison, who served the shortest term as president.

What did Vice Presidents Elbridge Gerry, Thomas Hendricks, Henry Wilson, Garret Hobart, George Clinton, William King and James Sherman have in common?

They all died in office.

How many vice presidents have become president upon the death of a president?

Eight, starting with John Tyler; Millard Fillmore succeeded Zachary Taylor; Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln; Chester Arthur succeeded James Garfield; Teddy Roosevelt succeeded William McKinley; Calvin Coolidge succeeded Warren G. Harding; Harry Truman succeeded Franklin Roosevelt; and Lyndon Johnson succeeded John Kennedy.

How many vice presidents have held the office for less than 90 days?

Four, Tyler for 31 days, Andrew Johnson for 42 days and Truman for 82 days, all became presidents upon the deaths of presidents. William R. King, vice president under Millard Fillmore died of tuberculosis, April 18, 1853, after only 45 days in office.

What two vice presidents were not elected to the office?

Following adoption of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which allows for appointment to fill the office if it becomes vacant, Gerald Ford was appointed by Richard Nixon to replace Spiro Agnew, who had resigned. When Ford became president after Nixon resigned, he appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice presidency.

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